InImpact: The Journal of Innovation Impact

Publisher: Future Technology Press

Vol. 6 No. 2: Contributed Papers 2013-14

Editors: KES International
Journal ISSN: 2051-6002

Date: 01-Nov-12


Advantages to Integrating Knowledge Transfer With Academic Project Management
Kristian Thaller

145 - 149 

PDF Citation Solutions for operatively supporting Knowledge Reuse in the technical context: a first evaluation model
Enrico Vezzetti, Federica Marcolin

150 - 164 

Understanding High-Impact Research Through Mode 1 and Mode 2 Research Approaches
Leon Cruickshank

165 - 180 

Vantaa Circle of Associations as a Social Innovation
Kari Ahlstrom, Suve Paasukene, Lauri Ahonen

181 - 207